Thursday, May 21, 2020

Why Automation Testing and best tools for Automation Software Testing ?

Hello Friends !! Automation testing is the process of converting manual test cases into Automation script by using some automation tool and scripting language. 

Why Automation testing:-

Automated software testing is important due to the following reasons:
  • Manual Testing of all workflows, all fields, all negative scenarios is time and money consuming
  • It is difficult to test for multilingual sites manually
  • Automation does not require Human intervention. You can run automated test unattended (overnight)
  • Automation increases the speed of test execution
  • Automation helps increase Test Coverage
  • Manual Testing can become boring and hence error-prone

Automation Software Testing
Automation tools:-

We have various types of automation testing tools available in the market. Some of the most commonly used automation testing tools are as follows:

Ranorex Studio
QTP (MicroFocus UFT)
Rational Functional Tester
Telerik Test Studio
IBM Rational Functional Tester
Katalon Studio
Selenium is one of best and most commonly used tool for Automation testing. Here we will see advantages and disadvantages of Selenium.
Selenium is an open-source and most commonly used tool in automation testing. This tool is used to test web-based applications with the help of test scripts, and these scripts can be written in any programming language such as java, python, C#, Php, and so on.
Features of
Selenium tool is most popular because of its various features. 
  • Selenium supports only web-based applications, which means that the application can be opened by the browser or the URL like Gmail, Amazon, etc.
  • Selenium does not support a stand-alone application, which means that the application is not opened in the browser or URL like Notepad, MS-Word, Calculator, etc.
  • Selenium web driver is the latest tool in the selenium community that removes all the drawbacks of the previous tool (selenium-IDE).
  • Selenium web-driver is powerful because it supports multiple programming languages, various browsers like- Chrome, Firefox, Internet explorer, Edge, safari, opera, and different operating systems and also supports mobile applications like iPhone, Android.
Disadvantage of Selenium webDriver:-
  • We cannot automate captcha.
  • We can not automate gaming applications.
  • We can partially automate audio and video test cases.
  • We can not automate print related test cases.
  • Using selenium web driver we can not automate desktop and mobile applications.

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