Tags: APN address of Uk mobile operators|APN address|GPRS setting|Contract Apn address|pay as you go Apn address
APN address of O2, Vodafone, virgin, orange,T-mobile, Tesco mobile and BT mobile of Uk
APN address is must to run gprs on your mobile or PC. If you want to connect with internet then you have to enter APN(Access point name) in your mobile internet connection setting.
So here is list of APN adress for all mobile operators in UK
O2 Gprs setting:
APN address(contract): wap.o2.co.uk
APN address(pay as you go): payandgo.o2.co.uk
Gateway IP address:
Username: o2wap(contract)/payandgo(PayG)
Password: password
For web using on laptop(this APN is needed if you connect your mobile to Pc/laptop or using any application(e buddy,opera) on mobile)
APN address: mobile.o2.co.uk
Username: mobileweb
Password: password
Vodafone UK Gprs setting:
APN address(contract): wap.vodafone.co.uk
APN address (pay as you go): pp.vodafone.co.uk
Gateway IP address:
For web using on laptop:
APN address: internet (contract)
ORANGE Gprs setting:
APN address(contract): orangewap
APN address (pay as you go):paygwap
Gateway IP address:
For web using on laptop:
APN address: orangeinternet(contract)
: payginternet ( Pay as you go)
T-Mobile Gprs setting:
APN address: general.t-mobile.uk
Gateway IP address:
Tesco- mobile Gprs setting:
APN address(contract): prepay.tesco-mobile.com
Gateway IP address:
Virgin Mobile Gprs setting:
APN address (contract): goto.virginmobile.uk
Gateway IP address:
BT mobile Gprs setting:
APN address : btmobile.bt.com
Gateway IP address:
APN address of O2, Vodafone, virgin, orange,T-mobile, Tesco mobile and BT mobile of Uk
APN address is must to run gprs on your mobile or PC. If you want to connect with internet then you have to enter APN(Access point name) in your mobile internet connection setting.
So here is list of APN adress for all mobile operators in UK
O2 Gprs setting:
APN address(contract): wap.o2.co.uk
APN address(pay as you go): payandgo.o2.co.uk
Gateway IP address:
Username: o2wap(contract)/payandgo(PayG)
Password: password
For web using on laptop(this APN is needed if you connect your mobile to Pc/laptop or using any application(e buddy,opera) on mobile)
APN address: mobile.o2.co.uk
Username: mobileweb
Password: password
Vodafone UK Gprs setting:
APN address(contract): wap.vodafone.co.uk
APN address (pay as you go): pp.vodafone.co.uk
Gateway IP address:
Username: wap
Password: wap
For web using on laptop:
APN address: internet (contract)
Username: web
Password: web
ORANGE Gprs setting:
APN address(contract): orangewap
APN address (pay as you go):paygwap
Gateway IP address:
Username: orange
Password: multimedia
For web using on laptop:
APN address: orangeinternet(contract)
: payginternet ( Pay as you go)
Username: user
Password: pass
T-Mobile Gprs setting:
APN address: general.t-mobile.uk
Gateway IP address:
Username: user
Password: wap
Tesco- mobile Gprs setting:
APN address(contract): prepay.tesco-mobile.com
Gateway IP address:
Username: tescowap
Password: password
Virgin Mobile Gprs setting:
APN address (contract): goto.virginmobile.uk
Gateway IP address:
Username: user
Password: (leave blank)
BT mobile Gprs setting:
APN address : btmobile.bt.com
Gateway IP address:
Username: bt
Password: bt
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